Alternative notepad ++ icon
Alternative notepad ++ icon

alternative notepad ++ icon

The screenshots show fewer menu options and a larger, more touch-friendly amount of padding between them, as well as theming options and the ability to set a different default font. The screenshots were posted and deleted by a "Microsoft engineer" but were preserved by FireCubeStudios on Twitter, and they suggest that Microsoft isn't reinventing Notepad in the style of more advanced apps like Notepad++ or Emacs. Over the weekend, screenshots leaked for an as-yet-unannounced redesign of the Notepad app, which currently looks and works more or less as it has since Windows XP came out two decades ago (though under-the-hood updates have added new capabilities, like support for the line-ending style used in Linux and macOS text files).

alternative notepad ++ icon

Īnd if Don Ho is interested in restoring the alternative icon option using this refresh, he is welcome to do so.Windows 11 is out, but the process of updating the operating system's built-in apps continues. If anyone else is also prefers to keep the original going, that refresh is available at. I’m no designer, but luckily one needn’t be a designer to get the usability right. Since it is now removed, I decided it was time to do that refresh myself - I’ll undoubtedly be overriding that icon every time there’s an update from now on. So I was very disappointed to see the latest 7.x installer finally dropping the option to “use the old, ugly icon.” That old icon needed some cleanup for higher resolutions and quality, but nevertheless it precisely embodied how I want and expect my text files to look. Plus the original shape was more distinctive and meaningful (especially at the sizes used in practial file browser layouts) which counts for more than the unhelpful war over who can use the loudest colors. I’m already trained to filter out flashy or colorful/attention-grabbing imagery when looking the content that to a programmer is the real substance of a directory listing. A no-nonsense, get-your-work-done text editor is no place for branding, nor text files the place for flashy or colorful icons blending in with other types of rich media. I have always deeply disliked the newer NPP icon with the lizard on it.

Alternative notepad ++ icon